paternity law

What Is Paternity Law?
Paternity law refers to a branch of family law that deals with legal issues related to determining and establishing the legal father of a child.
It involves legal procedures and rights concerning the identification, acknowledgement, and establishment of a biological or legal father’s rights and responsibilities towards the child.
Paternity Laws By State:
Below is a list of paternity laws by state in the United States.
- Alabama: Alabama Code Title 26, Chapter 17
- Alaska: Alaska Statutes Title 25, Chapter 20
- Arizona: Arizona Revised Statutes Title 25, Chapter 8
- Arkansas: Arkansas Code Title 9, Subtitle 2, Chapter 10
- California: California Family Code Division 12, Part 2
- Colorado: Colorado Revised Statutes Title 19, Article 4
- Connecticut: Connecticut General Statutes Title 46b, Chapter 815j
- Delaware: Delaware Code Title 13, Chapter 8
- Florida: Florida Statutes Title XLIII, Chapter 742
- Georgia: Georgia Code Title 19, Chapter 7
- Hawaii: Hawaii Revised Statutes Title 31, Chapter 584
- Idaho: Idaho Code Title 7, Chapter 11
- Illinois: Illinois Compiled Statutes Chapter 750, Act 45
- Indiana: Indiana Code Title 31, Article 14
- Iowa: Iowa Code Title XV, Subtitle 1, Chapter 252A
- Kansas: Kansas Statutes Chapter 23, Article 22
- Kentucky: Kentucky Revised Statutes Title 406, Chapter 011
- Louisiana: Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 9, Chapter 9
- Maine: Maine Revised Statutes Title 19A, Chapter 55
- Maryland: Maryland Code Family Law Title 1, Subtitle 3, Chapter 2
- Massachusetts: Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 209C
- Michigan: Michigan Compiled Laws Chapter 722, Act 159
- Minnesota: Minnesota Statutes Chapter 257, Section 75
- Mississippi: Mississippi Code Title 93, Chapter 9
- Missouri: Missouri Revised Statutes Title XXX, Chapter 210
- Montana: Montana Code Annotated Title 40, Chapter 6
- Nebraska: Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 43, Article 14
- Nevada: Nevada Revised Statutes Title 11, Chapter 126
- New Hampshire: New Hampshire Revised Statutes Title XLIII, Chapter 168-A
- New Jersey: New Jersey Statutes Title 9, Chapter 17
- New Mexico: New Mexico Statutes Chapter 40, Article 11
- New York: New York Consolidated Laws Domestic Relations Article 5, Part 5
- North Carolina: North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 49, Article 3
- North Dakota: North Dakota Century Code Title 14, Chapter 20
- Ohio: Ohio Revised Code Title XXIX, Chapter 3111
- Oklahoma: Oklahoma Statutes Title 10, Chapter 1
- Oregon: Oregon Revised Statutes Title 11, Chapter 109
- Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 23, Chapter 51
- Rhode Island: Rhode Island General Laws Title 15, Chapter 15
- South Carolina: South Carolina Code Title 63, Chapter 17
- South Dakota: South Dakota Codified Laws Title 25, Chapter 6
- Tennessee: Tennessee Code Title 24, Chapter 7
- Texas: Texas Family Code Title 5, Subtitle B
- Utah: Utah Code Title 78B, Chapter 15
- Vermont: Vermont Statutes Title 15A, Chapter 1
- Virginia: Virginia Code Title 20, Chapter 3
- Washington: Washington Revised Code Title 26, Chapter 26
- West Virginia: West Virginia Code Chapter 48, Article 4
- Wisconsin: Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 767, Subchapter II
- Wyoming: Wyoming Statutes Title 17, Chapter 9
Please note the laws that are listed above are subject to change. It is important to keep that in mind when researching your state.
Rights of The Biological Father
The rights of a biological father refer to the legal entitlements and protections afforded to a man who is the biological parent of a child. These rights can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances, but generally include:
- Parental rights: Biological fathers have the right to establish a legal relationship with their child and to seek custody or visitation rights. This allows them to maintain a meaningful and ongoing relationship with their child.
- Financial obligations: Biological fathers are typically responsible for providing financial support to their child, including child support payments. These payments are intended to ensure the child’s well-being and cover expenses such as education, healthcare, and general living costs.
- Decision-making authority: Biological fathers have the right to participate in important decisions affecting their child’s life, such as those related to education, healthcare, religion, and upbringing. This includes being consulted and having a say in matters that impact the child’s welfare and future.
- Legal recognition: Biological fathers have the right to be legally recognized as the father of their child. This may involve establishing paternity through DNA testing or other means, which can confer legal rights and responsibilities.
It is important to note that the specific rights of biological fathers can vary depending on factors such as marital status, custody arrangements, and any legal agreements or court orders in place.
What does paternity mean?
According to Etymologyonline, Paternity is the state or condition of being a father, encompassing the bond and connection between a father and his child, as well as the divine relationship between God and humanity.